邮编: 211816
女,工学博士,betway必威网站电气科学与控制科学学院讲师。2015年6获南开大学控制科学与工程专业工学博士学位。2019年12月至今于东南大学自动化博士后流动站进行博士后研究工作。承担本科生课程 “计算机控制系统”、“信号与系统”等。主要研究方向:多智能体系统协同控制、非线性系统抗干扰控制、切换脉冲系统的稳定性研究等。主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省博士后基金项目各一项,发表SCI/EI论文10余篇。先后参与了国家自然科学基金项目3项。
Wen Qin*, Zhongxin Liu, Zengqiang Chen.A novel observer-based formation for nonlinear multi-agent systems with time delay and intermittent communication. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(3): 1651-1664. (SCI)
Wen Qin,Zhongxin Liu*, Zengqiang Chen. Observer-based consensus for nonlinear multi-agent systems with intermittent communication.Neurocomputing , 2015,154: 230–238. (SCI)
Wen Qin, Zhongxin Liu*, Zengqiang Chen. Impulsive observer-based consensus control for multi-agent systems with time delay.International Journal of Control.2015, 88(9), 1789–1804. (SCI)
Wen Qin*,Zhongxin Liu*, Zengqiang Chen. Formation control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with linear extended state observer. IEEE/CAA Journal of AutomaticaSinica, 2014, 1(2): 171-179.( SCI)
Wen Qin, Zhongxin Liu*, Zengqiang Chen. Impulsive Formation Control Algorithms for Leader-following Second-order Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems with Time-delay. 13th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Complex Systems: Theory and Applications, LSS 2013 – Proceedings,Shanghai, China, July, 2013. (EI).
Wang G P, Wen Qin*. Distributed finite frequency fault detection observer design for spatially interconnected time-delay systems with interconnected chains. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 32(1): 35-48. (SCI)
Wang X, Wen Qin, Park J H, Shen M. Event-triggered data-driven control of discrete-time nonlinear systems with unknown disturbance. ISA transactions. 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.isatra.2021.11.026. (SCI)
Wen Qin, Zhang C, Wang G, Shen M. Fault detection for two-dimensional multi state-delay Roesser systems with finite frequency specifications. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2022. (SCI)
Wen Qin, Zhongxin Liu*, Zengqiang Chen, Dong Yali. Robust stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear switched system with delayed control. The 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Gui yang, China, May, 2013. (EI).
Wen Qin, Yali Dong*, Hui Wang. Stability analysis of uncertain impulsive switched system with time delay. 2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Mianyang, China, May, 2011. (EI).
Wen Qin, Yali Dong*, Hui Wang, Stabilization for impulsive switched uncertain systems with time-delay. 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, July, 2011. (EI).
Li, L W., Shen M Q, and Wen Qin. Simultaneous Fault Detection and Control for Markovian Jump Systems with General Uncertain Transition Rates. International Journal of Control Automation and Systems 2018, 16(5):2074-2081. (SCI)
Wang, L. Wang G P, Wen Qin. Finite frequency H∞ filtering for uncertain two-dimensional continuous systems. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2019, 41(1):55-63. (SCI)
Hui Wang, Yali Dong*, Wen Qin. Adaptive observer design for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems, 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011, 665-669. (EI).
Hui Wang, Yali Dong*, Wen Qin. Adaptive observer design for a class of nonlinear systems. 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, CASE, 2011, 242-245.(EI)